Mahabodhi International Meditation Center

Meditation in Action, Compassion in Action


The Centre is blessed with a beautiful meditation hall; separate dormitories which can accommodate 40-50 male and female residents at a time; a delightful dining hall for more than 50 people and a beautiful garden where meditators can practice walking meditation and yoga or simply rest on the lawn under many fruits trees. bild 8 bearb


 It is also intriguing to see different types of birds wandering in the garden and among the trees.

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In addition to the spacious accommodation and the first-rate facilities for groups, the Sambodhi Retreat Centre has a number of comfortable meditation kutis (with attached bathroom, small kitchen, bedroom and meditation room) for experienced solitary practitioners.

bild9 bearbWe are also looking forward to building more such kutis in the future, as and when the necessary resources become available.



Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre
P.O. Box No 22
Leh Ladakh 194101, India
Tel: 91-19 82-264372
Fax: 91-19 82-264155

How to help Us

-VolunteeringLadakh Mahabodhi 200x174 b80daf32

Contact Delhi

Mahabodhi Delhi Office
A-116, 2nd Floor, Arjun Nagar
Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi-110 029, India
Tel: 011-26 165017
Fax: 011-26162978