Glimpse of the Visit of Hon'ble President of India Shri. Ram Nath Kovind to MIMC Campus
During his maiden visit to Ladakh on the 21st of August, 2017 the Hon'ble President of India Shri. Ram Nath Kovind laid the foundation stone for the Buddha Park for World Peace at the campus of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre.
Here's a glimpse of the visit of the President to MIMC Campus.

Bhikkhu Sanghasena met Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi
Bhikkhu Sanghasena had an inspiring meeting with the Honourable Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendra Modi yesterday morning at his office .The honorable Prime Minister was very kind to receive Bhikkhu Sanghasena ji with great respect.

Bhikkhu Sanghasena briefed Shri. Narendra Modiji about the various humanitarian and spiritual programs undertaken by Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre - MIMC and extended invitation to Visit Ladakh . The honorable Prime Minister deeply appreciated the various humanitarian services undertaken by Bhikkhu Sanghasena at Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre - MIMC and shown keen interest to visit Ladakh in the coming summer.
Bhikkhu Sanghasenaji also presented his Book on the “Journey of transformation through Compassion in Action” written by Dr. Vandana Shukla.

MIMC Youth's participated in Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Int'l Buddhist Youth Exchange Program

The Nalanda Buddhist Society of Malaysia warmly welcomed the Buddhist Youth group from India for an International Buddhist Youth Exchange Program entitled "Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Buddhist Youth Exchange Program” From the very beginning providing education to the children and spiritual guidance to the youth community has been one of the main concern of the numerous activities prime activities of Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena. This year yet another very important youth exchange program took place.

11 young members from the MIMC Youth wing and 8 young members from the New Buddhist Community of the State of Maharastra were selected and sent to Malaysia & Singapore for an International Buddhist Youth exchange Program at the Famous Nalanda Buddhist Society of Malaysia and the Buddhist Fellowship of Singapore.Dr. Tan-the founder and spiritual director and one of the Nalanda Buddhist Society of Malaysia and one of the finest Buddhist scholars have hosted and organised this program in Malaysia. The Youth exchange program in Singapore was hosted by the Buddhist Fellowship. The Youth exchange program proved to be a life transformative one for the entire youth group. The Youth Group with their Malaysian counterparts received trainings on Leadership skills, Buddhist Studies, Meditation, Chanting and Cultural lessons etc. The youth group were fortunate to participate in the public talk by the renowned Buddhist Master- Ajahn Brahmavamso. Both the organisations in Malaysia and Singapore have been very old and close associates of Ven. Bhukkhu Sanghasena. This Youth Program is the beginning of yet another initiative of Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena’s aim at revitalising Buddhism in it’s birthplace, India.

We hope to organise more such programmes on a larger scale in the future. We deeply appreciate Dr. Tan and his Entire team of Nalanda and the President and Members of Buddhist Fellowship of Singapore for their generous efforts in making this Buddhist youth exchange Program such a great Success. Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena often says that the Future of the world depends on the young Generation and the Young Generation depends on the kind of Guidance and inspiration they receive from their Parents, teachers, leaders and Mentors. It is therefore very important to impart spiritual education and training to them.
Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena taught Buddhist Meditation at Int'l Yoga Festival, Rishikesh

Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena was invited as one of the guest speakers and to lead Buddhist Meditation Session during the world-renowned, 29th annual International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh, Uttrakhand. The Famous Yoga Festival was attended by more than 2000 people, who came from 96 countries across the world to take part in inspiring lectures and courses by over 80 revered saints, yogacharyas, presenters and experts who taught nearly 200 offerings throughout the week. The Vice President of India Shri. M Venkaiah Naidu Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev among many distinguished guests also graced the famous Yoga Festival.

Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena addressed International Conference of Science and spirituality

Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena was invited as one of the keynote speakers during the International Conference of Science and spirituality organised by the International Federation of Spiritual Scientists (IFSS) under the blessings and guidance of Brahmashri Patri ji Founder and spiritual director of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) at the famous Banaras Hindu University (BHU).. More than 2000 people participated in the conference.

Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena in his speech said " Religion and science, Materiality and spirituality, Inner Values and outer Values, Head and Heart, Physics and Metaphysics, Psychology and Ecology, Philosophy and Technology, Meditation and Medication, All must work in Balance and in Harmony!
Scientists must learn meditation to avoid the misuse of scientific technology; Religious masters must make their religion scientific to avoid blind faith. Religion must be scientifically religious and science must be religiously science. They must work in consultation with each other. Synthesis of these two religion and science will bring greatest blessings to the world"