Mahabodhi International Meditation Center

Meditation in Action, Compassion in Action

Charitable organization

Since becoming a monk, Ven. Bhikku Sanghasena has strived tirelessly to put the Buddha's teachings of compassion into action through multifarious charitable humanitarian works scattered over 210 acres of moon like desert land.

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He has also made the meditation techniques of the Buddha available to the common people of Ladakh through donation-based intensive Vipassana retreats.

Compassion in action and meditation in action are the guiding principles of his work.

This organization brings a wealth of education and opportunity to the people of Ladakh.

MIMC is a non-sectarian, non-profit institution dedicated to inter-faith harmony and understanding.


Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre
P.O. Box No 22
Leh Ladakh 194101, India
Tel: 91-19 82-264372
Fax: 91-19 82-264155

How to help Us

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Contact Delhi

Mahabodhi Delhi Office
A-116, 2nd Floor, Arjun Nagar
Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi-110 029, India
Tel: 011-26 165017
Fax: 011-26162978